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Lightstyle Goods Return Policy

As you will appreciate, the return of goods, especially for no good reason is a very expensive business.

  • 1.  No goods can be accepted back without prior consent of the company (Lightstyle) and must have received a customer goods returns note.
  • 2.  Return of goods, for whatever reason, can only be arranged by the submission of proof of purchase, by nature of receipt, sales invoices, document nos, and must be contained in their original packaging. If original packaging is not used for the goods being returned, it could prejudice the acceptance of being able to return the goods, either to our company and/or manufacturing/supplier
  • 3. Return of goods due to damages can only be credited and/or replaced if, in the opinion of the company, it is a genuine case of the item(s) being damaged prior to its sale and / or transit to the customers premises, and arbitration on this matter would be referred to the manufacturer/supplier and/or carrier, whose decision would be final and binding. At the company’s discretion only, will credit or free issue of goods to be made.
  • 4.  Return goods due to failure, i.e. can only be credited if the goods have not been mechanically or electronically abused. In all cases, these items are returned to the
    manufacture/supplier, whose decision is final and binding, concerning the question of free of charge replacements and/or no charge repairs. Any advance replacements will be charged in the normal way and credit raised when notification from the manufacture/supplier is received, to issue full/part credit.
  • 5.  Return of goods due to:-
    a. wrong goods ordered by customers. over ordering and / or duplication by the customer

c. order cancellation by the customer

These can only be accepted providing the following conditions are adhered to:-

a. Goods have not been put into use and/or fixed. They must not be marked or soiled in any way.

b. Goods must be returned in the packaging and boxes in which they were sent out. They must not have any markings or new identifications, soiled or damaged in any way.

c. A re-handling charge of 25% plus V.A.T. will be charged. There cannot be any cash refunds. All goods returned will be credited less re-handling charges and placed to the credit of the account, awaiting the next purchase and/or full credit against compensation order.

d. Special orders entailing customers own specification and/or goods which are manufactured to order can only be returned with the manufacturer’s agreement and terms of re-handling, which could be on top of our own re-handling charges.

  • 6. The company reserves the right to charge for all carriage costs for the return of goods.